Stepan Vrany

Stepan Vrany


I’m Stepan, I started with automation back in 2010 as a technician in servers factory. Then, I moved to the consulting role in Hewlett Packard Enterprise. I spent in that factory for almost 7 years, I’ve learned there how to automate almost every deployment at any scale. Also, I got in touch with the platforms there. In 2018 it was about the time to move on and explore the real purpose of stuff I was implementing there.

In the second episode of my professional life, I’ve met the whole “System Administrator” thing. I’ve lost some weight and from that time I hate when my phone is ringing. There was my sanity in the game, I moved to the Cloud era of my professional life.

And it was a really good decision. I can effectively use everything I’ve learned before. Automating stuff and designing resilient solutions. Moreover, I can even share all my knowledge with the community.

And maybe that’s why you are reading this blog. I believe in openness and sharing of knowledge! I’m trying to share my thought about all the aspects of my professional life: DevOps culture, Public Cloud providers, automation and major pitfalls I had to overcome.